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Not late this week! After getting over the hump of doing the first page of this chapter, doing the second page took no time to colour.

Now to get back into my doing comics, school and work routine for the fall... I still have a lot of chapter 2 to finish drawing, I didn't get very far on inking Alpha of the North so it WON'T be ready for October. December is looking more likely... I HOPE. Did I mention that I did a road trip to Northern Ontario to work on a travel guide for AON? I also came up with the entire plot to a side comic. I spent a lot of my free time in August fleshing that one out. Luckily I can't publish that one until I finish chapter 6. That puts me at 7 side comics in various stages of production. I need to get faster at making these comics..

Maritonia is also updating on Webtoon. I'm re posting all of chapter 1 on there until xmas and then eventually itll catch up with chapter 2 in the new year and act as a mirror.