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We finally get to meet Miriam's boyfriend and this time he isn't knocking over mailboxes! When I wrote chapter 1, I wasn't sure how involved Brad was going to be in the comic so I never really finalized his design. He didn't even have a name til I wrote these pages. And actually, the next 6-7 pages were written well after the rest of the chapter, but they were absolutely necessary.

Brad was always supposed to be kind of a red neck-y type kid. If you grew up in small town Ontario, you know the type. He's the kind of guy who spends all his free time hunting, fishing, and riding ATVs with his buddies. He's a bit immature, but overall a pretty nice kid. I'm sure you're also wondering why I gave him a pink helmet. It never gets covered in the comic, but the idea was that his friends bought it for him as a joke because he bends over backwards for Miriam and they thought he was a pussy for that. He thought that was unfair to Miriam and proudly wears the helmet (and he's not one to turn down a good helmet).

This week's page is late because the background was pretty involved. I'm also including one of the web banners I made for this page because I enjoy it. I don't think I ever spend more than 30 minutes on these banners. Probably 10-15 mins from start to finish.

They're usually just a quick and dirty design experiment. I do use them to play around with things I might formalize later on. In fact, one of the chapter 1 banner designs led to the chapter 1 print cover page design.