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Comic notes:

  • This was one of my favourite interactions to write in the comic. This whole comic provides more context for why Ivanhoe had so much leverage over Kingston in Chapter 1.
  • Kingston is actually the eldest member of the Pirates. He's like 6 months older than Marina.
  • Kingston is wearing a puka shell necklace which were absolutely UBIQUITOUS in the early 00s.
  • Comic title mention.

This is the origin story of the origin story! How did the pirates become friends? What was Ivanhoe like in school? After getting expelled and denied entrance to a private high school, Ivanhoe Scott gets sent to Black River Secondary where he meets his future best friends who later become the π-rates. Ivanhoe is approached by an older student named Kingston, who convinces him to dig up some "treasure" buried and abandoned by some gangsters. What follows is the camping trip from hell...

Minor Niner releases September 2025 as a digital download or print edition. The comic is 48 pages long.