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Ivanhoe receives a tip that might save his family thanks to Sulphur Tongue's goons.

Updates will continue all fall! I made the most of my hiatus to move across country, visit NYC, play a shitload of Pokemon Go, write a comic about Pokemon Go, get some of Minor Niner inked, get most of chapter 2 shaded, work, bike, spend all my money etc. etc. I made such good use of my hiatus that after this week, I'm going to be posting on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Although I might change this up to test out which days get the most views.

Speaking of money! If you would like to part ways with some of yours, copies of Alpha of the North are still available on my ko-fi shop! It's available as a digital download or a physical print comic. The prints turned out great, and they might come with a sticker...