Please disregard the banner's "updates wednesday" line. LOL The comic will return to that schedule one day... when I'm not taking classes.
You may notice some inconsistencies between this page and the beginning of the chapter... WELL. I'm going to fix the older pages one of these days.
FUN FACT: The original 10-15 pages were drawn TEN years ago. The line work on them is really rough because they were inked traditionally. I didn't even have Sulphur Tongue's design finalized so the first panel of page 3 was re-drawn in probably 2019 when I picked the comic up again. I had a different vision in mind for his appearance but I've never been able to translate it to paper. In my mind he looks like Mickey Rourke in the Wrestler.
I made the decision to ink things digitally around page 5 because hand inking takes so fucking long and I constantly smear ink. The line quality changes around page 30-35 because I picked up a new tablet. Combined with a newer version of photoshop, it's a lot smoother. It's a tiny-ass tablet screen. The colours are also inconsistent, too. My plan was to use a different colour scheme for the flashback section but went more saturated as things went on. If I ever print the comic I'll go back and make things consistent. Around page 40, everyone gets more tanned, which is intentional.
The characters are also super off-model in the beginning because I did some pretty extensive re-draws on the earlier pages. They're a mish-mash of new and old stuff.